Information Extraction and Interpretation, Uni Stuttgart
I head a group on Information Extraction and Interpretation, which is part of the chair of Theoretical Computational Linguistics at the IMS at Uni Stuttgart. Our main topics are the development of (typically statistical) models to structure textual information, for instance biomedical named entity recognition and relation extraction, slot filling, fine-grained sentiment analysis and emotion recognition. We are interested in developing high-performing models and at the same time to understand the (linguistic) properties of a task.
Ph.D. Students
- Lynn Greschner (EMCONA project)
- Yarik Menchaca Resendiz (DAAD Scholarship)
- Amelie Wührl (FIBISS Project)
- Aswathy Velutharambath (extern, with and Kai Sassenberg, IWM Tübingen)
- Laura Ana Maria Oberländer née Bostan (CEAT Project, on leave)
Research assistant
- Patrick Barreiß
Master’s Students
- Jan Hofmann. Few-shot Learning for Ideological Author Profiling (with Cornelia Sindermann)
- Patrick Barreiß. Plug-and-play acceleration for large prompted language models (with Jeremy Barnes at University of the Basque Country)
- Pascal Huszár. Towards Prompt Engineering Across Languages: Large Language Models are Multilingual Prompt Engineers (with Jeremy Barnes at University of the Basque Country)
Ph.D. Students
- Enrica Troiano (EmoArg project and CEAT Project, with Sebastian Padó and Kai Sassenberg), 2023.
- Felix Armbrust (Co-Supervision with Henry Schaefer, Financial Management at Uni Stuttgart), 2022, now Portfolio Manager at DWS Group
- Evgeny Kim (CRETA Project and SEAT project), 2020, now at Mercedes-Benz GmbH
- Hendrik ter Horst (as co-PI of the PSINK project, with PI Philipp Cimiano, Uni Bielefeld)
- Jeremy Barnes (with Sabine Schulte im Walde, visiting from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona), 2019, now at University of the Basque Country
- Sean Papay (QUOTE project, with Sebastian Padó), now on an IBM Horizon Collaboration project
Postdocs and Research Staff
- Fazlourrahman Balouchzahi, 2023, Project CEAT
- Camilo Thorne, 2018, KABI Project, now principle data scientist at Elsevier
- Matthias Hartung, 2016-2020, as co-PI of PSINK project, with PI Philipp Cimiano, Uni Bielefeld, now with Semalytix GmbH
- Ghazaal Sheikhi (2022,Postdoc visiting from U Bergen)
- Sofie Labat (2022, Ph.D. student visiting from U Ghent)
- Andreas Nugaard Holm (2022, visiting Ph.D. student from University of Copenhagen)
- Rishika Bhagwatkar (2021, DAAD WISE)
- Flor Miriam Plaza del Arco (2021, visiting from U Jaen)
- Mohamed Alshaer (2018, German University of Cairo)
- Gianluigi Marra (2018, Erasmus exchange, Uni Salento)
Teaching assistants
- Valentino Sabbatino (2020/2021, 2021/2022)
- Maximilian Kuhn (2021/2022)
- Partick Bareiß (2021/2022)
- Fabian Leeske (2021)
- Valentino Sabbatino (2020/2021)
- Tordis Daum (2020/2021)
- Tobias Schmid (2020/2021, 2022/2023)
- Ali Salaheddine (2019)
- Enrique Castaneda (2019)
- Johannes Erwerle (2018)
- Florian Strohm (2017)
- Elnaz Shafaei Bajestan (2016)
Research assistants
- Max Wegge (CEAT, 2021–2023)
- Lara Grimminger (FIBISS, 2021–2023)
- Xanat Herrera (with IWM Tuebingen, 2021, 2022)
- Linda Greschner (FIBISS, 2021–2023)
- Amelie Heindl (CEAT, 2021)
- Tornike Tsereteli (CEAT, 2021)
- Valentino Sabbatino (CEAT, 2021)
- Jan Hofmann (CEAT, 2021)
- Lyonel Behringer (FIBISS, 2021, 2023)
- Tobias Schmid (FIBISS, 2021)
- Kevin Reich (CRETA, 2020)
- Burak Tekin (SEAT, DeRE, 2019)
- Hendrik Schuff (QUOTE, DeRE, 2019)
- Ruth Sander (2018, CRETA)
- Jennifer Majunke (2018, CRETA)
- Johannes Butscher (2018, CRETA)
- Helen Vernon (2017-2018, CRETA)
- Ekta Sood (2017-2018, CRETA)
- Mariia Kashpur (2017, CRETA)
- Luci Fillinger (2013-2014, Bielefeld University)
- Frederike Strunz (2013-2014, Bielefeld University)
- Robin Schiewer (2013-2014, Bielefeld University)
- Janik Jaskolski (2014, Bielefeld University)
- Sumit Madan (2011-2012, Fraunhofer SCAI)
Master’s thesis
- Christopher Bagdon. Predicting Symptom Severity with Emotion Intensity and Weak Supervision. (with Prathamesh Karmalkar and Harsha Gurulingappa at Merck) 2023
- Lynn Greschner. Assessing Health-related Quality of Life on Social Media. (with Amelie Wuehrl) 2023
- Emīls Kadiķis. Plug and Play Domain Adaptation for Neural Machine Translation. (with Yarik Menchaca Resendiz). 2023
- Maximilian Wegge. Investigating Topic Bias in Emotion Classifcation. 2023
- Elaheh Salehi Rizi. Identification of Persuasive Behavioral Patterns in Textual Data Using Domain-Adaptive Few-shot Learning. 2023 (with Aswathy Velutharambath at Uni Stuttgart and at 100 Worte Sprachanalyse GmbH)
- Eileen Wemmer. Progressions of Emotion Annotations in Conversations and Dreams for Emotion Analysis. 2023 (with Sofie Labat)
- Itisha Yadev. 2023
- Lara Grimminger. Combining Medical Term Replacement and Machine Translation for Clinical Text Simplification. 2023 (with Amelie Wührl)
- Olivia Gabor. Zero-shot Text Classification for Mental Health Conditions. 2023
- Jasvinder Singh. Entity Linking on Tweets for Biomedical Data. (with Amelie Wührl). 2022
- Christina Hitzl. Target Detection of Hate Speech and Offensive Language in Tweets. (with Flor Miriam Plaza del Arco). 2022
- Xanat Herrera Luján. Prompt Engineering for Zero-Shot Learning using Explainability Methods. (with Flor Miriam Plaza del Arco). 2022
- Valentino Sabbatino: Emotion Classification of Non-Sense Words (with Antje Schweitzer). 2022
- Alina Braitmaier: Wie beeinflusst die kulturelle Zugehörigkeit eines Annotators seine subjektive Entscheidung? (with Enrica Troiano). 2022
- Jyothsna C Vijayendra: Distributed and Contextual Representations of Musical Chord Sequences (with Lukas Lange, Heike Adel, Jannik Stroetgen at Bosch AI). 2021
- Isabelle Mohr: Fact-Checking Biomedical COVID-19 Tweets (with Amelie Wührl). 2021
- Anna Khlyzova: Categorizing Affective Roles of Images in Multimodal Social Media Posts (with Carina Silberer), 2021
- Changxu Duan: Semi-supervised Learning for Event-centered Emotion Analysis. (with Jan Eisenberg at Bosch), 2021
- Bao Minh Doan Dang: German Emotion Stimulus Detection. (with Laura Oberlaender), 2021
- Tordis Daum: The difference between text and reader emotion: An in-depth analysis of the emotion-trigger-relationship. (with Laura Oberlaender), 2021
- Sherry Tan: Cross-Lingual Classification of Concepts related to Patient’s Quality of Life on Social Media (with Matthias Hartung and at Semalytix), 2021
- Anne Kreuter: Psychometric tests for predicting psychological traits of social media users, 2021
- Kang Cheng: Multilingual Text Emotion Analysis for Chinese and English, 2021
- King DeLany: Social Media Mining with Emotion Analysis for the Automotive Domain (with Daimler), 2021
- Amelie Wuehrl: Biomedical Claim Detection, 2020
- Felix Casel: Emotion Recognition in Literature, informed with the Emotion Component Model, 2020
- David Helbig: Emotion transfer in text (with Enrica Troiano), 2020
- Elena Rogleva: Information Retrieval for the Movie Domain, 2019
- Deniz Cevher: Multi-modal emotion recognition in car environments (with Sebastian Zepf at Daimler), 2019
- Aysoltan Gravina:Emotion Classification Using Feature-Based Domain Adaptation For Model Introspection (with Laura Bostan) 2019
- Jan Wessling: Towards Natural Language Dialogs: An Automatic Evaluation of Naturalness within Spoken Dialog Systems (with Daimler)
- Zhanruo Qu: Transfer Learning and Domain Adaptation for Emotion Detection (with Laura Bostan)
- Sina Brandstetter: Predicting the political stream of parliamentary speech under the consideration of emotion. 2018
- Naveen Kumar: Emotion Recognition in Twitter with Text and Image Information. 2017
- Roozbeh Bandpey: Emotion Analysis of Tweets With Co-extraction of Holder, Cause and Effect of Emotions. 2017
- Mariia Kashpur: Is there logic in emotions: Can deep sentence structure features inspired by the OCC model help in detecting emotions in texts? 2017
- Anna Moskvina: Patient Profiling and Health Risc Factor Detection in Social Media. 2017 (with Janik Jaskolski, Semalytix GmbH)
- Johannes Schäfer: Probabilistic Extraction of Do-It-Yourself Activities as n-ary Relations from Domain-specific Texts. Master’s Thesis. 2017 (with Uli Heid and Robert Bosch GmbH)
- Yan Yang: Predicting the Complexity of Software Problem Reports. Master’s Thesis. 2017 (with Sebastian Padó and IBM)
- Hanna Kicherer: Classification of Recipies. Master’s Thesis. 2016 (with Chefkoch GmbH, with Christian Scheible)
- Iman Zeinali Nia: Inducing a Model for Fine-Grained Sentiment Analysis in Farsi by Cross-language Annotation Projection. Master’s Thesis. Uni Stuttgart. 2016
- Arif Ijaz: Extracting Drug Adverse Effect Induced Medication from Social Media. Master’s Thesis. Uni Stuttgart. 2016
- Automatische Erkennung und Vergleich des Verlaufs von Emotionen in literarischen Werken. Diplomarbeit. Uni Stuttgart. 2016
- Kiril Atanassov: Aspect-based Opinion Mining for Electronic Games. Master’s Thesis. Uni Stuttgart (with Christian Scheible). 2016
- Nyamsuren Davaasambuu: Automatische Gruppierung von Aspektnennungen in Produktbewertungen. Master’s Thesis. Uni Stuttgart (with Wiltrud Kessler). 2016
- Mario Koos: Methods for Compound Splitting: A Comparative View in the Area of Text Mining. Master’s Thesis. Uni Hohenheim. 2015. (second referee, Stefan Kirn and Martin Riekert)
- Mario Sänger: Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis of Mobile Application Reviews. Master’s Thesis. HU Berlin. 2015. (with Ulf Leser and Heiko Ehrig (Neofonie); received the award for the best Master’s thesis at the computer science department of HU Berlin in the year 2015))
- Serbay Ekinoglu: Automatic identification, extraction and classification of E-mobility topics in online german fora. Master’s Thesis. Universität Stuttgart. 2015. (with Andrea Horch (Fraunhofer) and Sebastian Padó)
- Hendrik ter Horst: Ranked Protein-Disease Relations Using Machine-Learning. Master’s Thesis. Bielefeld University. 2015 (with Philipp Cimiano and Matthias Hartung)
- Tarek Kirchhoffer: Spinal Cord Injury Ontology. Medical Doctoral Dissertation (DDS). HHU Düsseldorf. started 2013 (with Nicole Brazda and Hans Werner Müller)
- Janik Jaskolski: (now CEO at Semalytix)
A machine learning approach to sentiment analysis for distance education evaluation. Master’s Thesis. Bielefeld University. 2014 (with Philipp Cimiano) - Shweta Bagewadi: (now at Fraunhofer SCAI)
University of Bonn. 2012 (with Juliane Fluck and Martin Hofmann-Apitius) - Tim Rocktäschel: (now at UCL)
Joint Extraction of Proteins and Bio-Molecular Events using Imperatively Defined Factor Graphs. Diplomarbeit. HU Berlin. 2012 (with Philippe Thomas and Ulf Leser; received the award for the best Master’s thesis at the computer science department of HU Berlin in the year 2012) - Tamara Bobić: A generic workflow for relation extraction by light supervision in biomedical text. Master’s Thesis (and succeeding Ph.D. supervision). University of Bonn. 2012 (with Martin Hofmann-Apitius and Holger Fröhlich)
- Sumit Madan: Stimmungs- und Themenerkennung in politischen Debatten. Master’s Thesis. University of Applied Sciences Bonn/Rhein-Sieg. 2012 (with Ralf Thiele)
- Robert Pesch: Logische Strukturerkennung in biomedizinischen Volltext-Publikationen. Master’s Thesis. University of Applied Sciences Bonn/Rhein-Sieg. 2010 (together with Ralf Thiele)
- Aravind Tallam: Extraction of Numerical Measures, Statistical Evidences and Units. Master’s Thesis. University of Bonn. 2009. (together with Christoph M. Friedrich and Martin Hofmann-Apitius)
- Verena Meyer: Extraktion, Klassifikation und empirischer Vergleich von Textabschnitten im biomedizinischen Bereich. Magisterarbeit. University of Bonn. 2009. (together with Juliane Fluck)
- Philippe Thomas: Automated extraction of variation mentions from literature sources and mapping to a unique database identifier. Master’s Thesis. University of Tübingen. 2008. (together with Christoph M. Friedrich, Martin Hofmann-Apitius and Kay Nieselt (Tübingen))
Bachelor’s thesis
- Tobias Schiebel: Influence of Claims and their Truthfulness on Engagement in Social Media. 2022
- Beate Zywietz: How human-like are text-based emotion classifiers? 2021
- Felix Klenk: Erkennung von Product Placements in YouTube-Videos mithilfe von Sequence Labeling. 2021
- Lara Grimminger: Analysis of pre-election Twitter messages in terms of party affiliation and hate speech. 2021
- Maximilian Maurer: Explicit Content Detection (with Erenay Dayanik). 2020
- Michael Bittner: Multimodel Active learning for emotion recognition. 2020
- Amelie Heindl: Recognition of Emotions based on the Emotion Component Model. 2020
- Hai Dang Nguyen: Multi task learning of emotion classification. 2020
- Lujan Miquel: Prediction of Conflicts in Social Media. 2020
- Jan Hofmann: Multi-task emotion classification using multi-dimensional emotional models. 2020
- Alin Roman: Generating Tweets conditioned on Emotion and Topic. 2020
- Lars Buttgereit: Will this tweet be deleted? 2019
- Valentino Sabbatino: Recognizing the zones in obituaries and the impact of emotion analysis. (with Laura Bostan) 2019
- Julia Christoph: A User-oriented Semantic Search Engine for Company Policies. (with Daimler) 2019
- Robert McHardy: Automatische Erkennung von satirischen Nachrichtenartikeln. 2018
- Elias Zaied: Emotional Networks of Fictional Characters (with Evgeny Kim). 2018
- Marco Eckey (TU Dortmund, with Igor Vatolkin)
- Shu Xing: Open Information Extraction for Relation Identication of Biomedical Entities. 2017
- Florian Strohm: The Impact of Intensifiers, Diminishers, and Negations on Emotion Expressions. 2017
- Marietta Hamberger: How Psychiatric Medication Influences the Tweets of Consumers. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2016
- Julian Liedtke: Concept Drift and Domain Adaptation to Improve Emotion, Sentiment, and Irony Detection on Twitter. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2016
- Alexander Bernhardt: Focused Crawling with Active Learning. Bachelor’s Thesis. Uni Stuttgart. 2016
- Constantin Seibold: Improving Co-Citation Clustering by Citation Classification. Bachelor’s Thesis. Uni Stuttgart. 2016
- Min Xu: Automatische Klassifikation von Twitternachrichten zu Arzneimitteln. Bachelorarbeit. Uni Stuttgart. 2016
- Omar Abada: Identifying Irony in German Tweets. Bachelor’s Thesis. Uni Stuttgart. 2016
- Jan Wessling: Development of a System for Quality Estimation of Automatically Generated Texts. Bachelor’s Thesis. Uni Stuttgart (with Aexea GmbH). 2016
- Jenniger Ling: Eine korpusbasierte Analyse zur Unterscheidung von Ironie und Sarkasmus (A Corpus-based Analysis to differentiate irony and sarcasm). Bachelor’s Thesis. Uni Stuttgart. 2015
- Surayya Samat Suliya: Vergleichende Frequenzanalyse von Emotionsnennungen in Literatur von Franz Kafka. Studienarbeit. Uni Stuttgart. 2015.
- Christian Witte.
Auswirkung des aktiven Lernens auf die Merkmalsselektion bei Textklassikation. Bachelor’s Thesis. Bielefeld University. 2014 (with Matthias Hartung) - Konstantin Buschmeier.
Entwicklung eines Systems zur Erkennung von Ironie in Text. Bachelor thesis. Bielefeld University. 2013 (with Philipp Cimiano)