Eliciting Textual Data from Psychological Study Participants. Oberseminar Computerlinguistik. FAU. Erlangen. January 2025 (invited talk) [slides]
Event-centered Emotion Classification from Text. Workshop
Emotional Speech. Bochum. July 2024 (invited talk) [pdf]
Psychological Concepts Challenge Natural Language Processing. Belief and Facts, Emotions and Appraisal. Linguistische Werkstatt, Bamberg. May 2024 (Internal Invited Talk) (slides)
Natural Language Processing Tasks and Methods - Challenges for Emotion Analysis and Generation. Trier. December 2023. (Invited Talk) [Slides]
Event-centric Emotion Analysis: Bridging Emotion Role Labeling and Appraisal-based Approaches. Singapore. December 2023. (Poster) [Poster]
Experiencer-Specific Emotion and Appraisal Prediction. NLPCSS at EMNLP. December 2022. (live poster presentation by Maximilian Wegge) [Poster] [Video]
Dimensional Modeling of Emotions in Text with Appraisal Theories Corpus Creation, Annotation Reliability, and Prediction. EMNLP Poster presentation of our CL Journal Article. December 2022. (live poster presentation by Enrica Troiano) [Poster] [Video]
Dimensional Modeling of Emotions in Text with Appraisal Theories Corpus Creation, Annotation Reliability, and Prediction. Universitat des Saarlandes. July 2022. (invited talk) (canceled due to COVID)
On the complementarity of images and text for the expression of emotions in social media. WASSA at ACL. May 2022 (poster presentation) [Poster PDF] [Poster Video] [Underline Page]
Items from psychometric tests as training data for personality
profiling models of twitter users. WASSA at ACL. May 2022 (poster presentation) [Poster PDF] [Poster Video]
Emotions are Events and Events trigger Emotions – Appraisal Theories for Emotion Classification in Text. DFKI/Berlin. June 2021 (invited talk) [slides]
Towards an Event-centric Interpretation of Emotions. University of Hildesheim, Online-Tagung: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Hate Speech und ihre Erkennung (IPHSE). February 2021 (invited talk) [Link]
Emotion Modelling in Text and Social Media – The Contribution of Psychological Models. University of Graz. February 2021 (keynote talk) [Video] [slides]
Show-don’t-tell – How emotions are communicated in text and how psychological theories can help us in computational emotion analysis. 31st Meeting of Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (CLIN 31). (keynote talk) [slides] [video]
Emotion Recognition under Consideration of the Emotion Component Process Model. KONVENS 2021 (conference talk) [slides]
Computational Modelling of Emotions in Language Invited talk at IWM Tuebingen and University of Tuebingen. September 2020.
Machine Reading: Von der Schwarmintelligenz zu individualisiertem Medizinwissen Eingeladener Vortrag und Podiumsdiskussion auf der Veranstaltung ``Das Gehirn der Zukunft: Künstliche Intelligenz und Medizin der FAZ und der Hertie Stiftung, Uni Tübingen, 2019 Linkvideovideo of panel discussion
Adversarial Training for Satire Detection: Controlling for Confounding Variables NAACL 2019, Minneapolis, USA, June 2019 slidesVideo
Frowning Frodo, Wincing Leia, and a Seriously Great Friendship Learning to Classify Emotional Relationships of Fictional Characters NAACL 2019, Minneapolis, USA, June 2019 slidesVideo
Exploring Fine-Tuned Embeddings that Model Intensifers for Emotion Analysis WASSA at NAACL 2019, Minneapolis, USA, June 2019
Sentiment and Emotion Analysis Overview KulWi Workshop Mainz, Germany, November 2018 slides
Emotion Analysis between Academia, Industry, Linguistics, Humanities, and Computer Science AI2Future, Zagreb, Croatia. October 2018 (invited keynote) slidesVideo
Amplifiers, Downtoners, and Negations in Emotion Analysis – An Empirical Analysis in Microblogs DSAA 2018, Turin, Italy. October 2018 Slides
On the Semantic Similarity of Disease Mentions in Medline and Twitter NLDB 2018, Paris, France. June 2018 slides
Analysis of Emotions in Social Media: Chances for Collaborations in Music Data Analysis? Guest Talk at Special Interest Group for Music Analysis, Institute of Communication Acoustics, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Emotion Analysis in Social Media. Corpus Creation, Images, Modifiers. Institute of Linguistics, University of Malta. March 2018. (invited talk)
2006 – 2017 (Selection)
Annotation, Modelling, Analysis of Fine-Grained Emotions on a Stance and Sentiment Detection Corpus WASSA Workshop at EMNLP 2017. Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2017. slides
Ranking Right-Wing Extremist Social Media Profiles by Similarity to Democratic and Extremist Groups WASSA Workshop at EMNLP 2017. Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2017.
Probabilistische graphische Modelle fuer die Informationsextraktion aus medizinischen Texten IDSem Text Mining Workshop. HU Berlin. July 2017. (with Philipp Cimiano)
Does optical character recognition and caption generation improve emotion detection in microblog posts? NLDB. Liège, Belgium. July 2017. slides
An Empirical, Quantitative Analysis of Differences between Sarcasm and Irony. Institute of Linguistics, University of Malta. March 2017. (invited talk)
Instance Selection Improves Cross-Lingual Model Training for Fine-grained Sentiment Analysis. (short poster highlight presentation) 2015 Video
From coarse-grained to (different kinds of) fine-grained sentiment analysis. Data and Web Science Group. University of Mannheim. July 2016. (invited talk)
Differences between Sarcasm and Irony. An Empirical, Quantitative Analysis. Semantic Sentiment Analysis Workshop at ESWC. Crete. Greece. May 2016.
Fine-grained and Cross-Lingual Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining. Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, Berlin. Germany. September 2015. (invited talk)
Towards opinion mining from reviews for the prediction of product rankings. 6th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis (WASSA). Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Lisbon. Portugal. September 2015.
Instance selection improves cross-lingual model training for fine-grained sentiment analysis. Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL). Beijing, China. July 2015. poster booster slidesvideo
Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining in Product Reviews: Fine-grained Analysis and Cross-Linguality. Conference “From Big Data to Smart Knowledge - Text and Data Mining in Science and Economy”. Cologne. February 2015. (invited talk)
Relational Learning for Biomedical Natural Language Processing: Challenges and Chances. Job talk. Institute for Natural Language Processing. University of Stuttgart. February 2015.
Introduction to the IGGSA GESTALT Shared Task 2: StAR: Subjective Phrase and Aspect Extraction from Product Reviews. Workshop on IGGSA Shared Task on German Sentiment Analysis. KONVENS, Hildelsheim, October 2014.
Impact analysis of features in a classification approach to Irony Detection in Product Reviews. 5th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis (WASSA). The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Baltimore. USA. June 2014.
Automatische Analyse präklinischer Forschungsergebnisse zur Auswahl Erfolg versprechender klinischer Studien und individualisierter Therapien. i:DSem Partnering Day des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung. Berlin, Germany, Mai 2014. SlidesSlides
Joint and* Pipeline Probabilistic Models for Fine-Grained Sentiment Analysis: Extracting Aspects, Subjective Phrases and their Relations. SENTIRE Workshop at International Conference on Data Mining. Dallas, Texas, USA. December 2013
Sentiment Analysis Overview, Joint Models. IESL Group Seminar. UMass Amherst. Massachusetts, USA, October 2013
Bi-directional Inter-dependencies of Subjective Expressions and Targets and their Value for a Joint Model. ACL, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 2013
Introduction to Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining. Seminar: Knowledge Management in Bioinformatics, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, February 19, 2013 (invited talk)
Online Communities Support Policy-Making: The Need for Data Analysis. e-Participation conference. Kristiansand, Norway, September 2012
Weakly Labeled Corpora as Silver Standard for Protein-Protein and Drug-Drug Interaction. Workshop on Building and Evaluating Resources for Biomedical Text Mining (BioTxtM), Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC). Istanbul, Turkey, May 2012
From Information Extraction to Semantic Search in the Biomedical Domain. Seminar at TU Darmstadt, Germany, January 2012. (invited talk)
Inter-Event Dependencies Support Event Extraction. Mining Complex Entities from Network and Biomedical Data, European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD), Athens, Greece, September 2011. Slides
Conditional Random Fields: Feature Modelling and Applications in Named Entity Recognition. Seminar: Knowledge Management in Bioinformatics, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 8 December 2009 (invited talk)
Automatische Komposition von Musik mit Methoden der Computational Intelligence. Seminar “Creative Algorithms”, Dortmund, Germany, 20 October 2009 (invited talk)
Feature Subset Selection in Conditional Random Fields for Named Entity Recognition. International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Borovets, Bulgaria, 9 Juli 2009
rSMILE, an interface to the Bayesian Network package GeNIe/SMILE. The R User Conference 2009, Rennes, France, 9 Juli 2009
Dictionary or Machine Learning based Chemical Named Entity Recognition? 6th Fraunhofer Symposium on Text Mining, Bonn, Germany, 30 September 2008
Detection of IUPAC and IUPAC-like Chemical Names. Proceedings Track at International Conference for Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, Toronto, Canada, 21 July 2008
Chemical Names: Terminological Resources and Corpus Annotation. Building and evaluating resources for biomedical text mining, Marrakesh, Morocco, 26 May 2008
Identifying Gene Specific Variations on Biomedical Text. 5th Fraunhofer Symposium on Text Mining, Bonn, Germany, 25 September 2007
Text Mining on Biological Texts. Student Session at Machine Learning Summer School 2007, Max-Planck-Campus Tübingen, Germany, 24 August 2007 Video
Named Entity Recognition with Combinations of Conditional Random Fields. Second BioCreative Challenge Evaluation Workshop, Madrid, Spain, 23 April 2007
BioCreative II (2006): Gene Mentions Task with Conditional Random Fields. Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems, Sankt Augustin, Germany, 8 February 2007
Evolutionary Composition of Music with Learned Melody Evaluation. Conference on Computational Intelligence, Man-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (CIMMACS), Venice, Italy, 22 November 2006