
Regularly and Recently taught at University of Bamberg
  • Information Retrieval and Text Mining (SS2024), B.Sc.+M.Sc. [evaluations]
  • Emotion Analysis (SS2024), M.Sc. [evaluations]
Tutorials/Summer Schools
  • Tutorial: “Emotion Analysis” at EACL 2023, Dubrovnik (with Sanja Stajner)
  • Uncertainty in Artifical Intelligence – Introduction to probabilistic graphical models, CITEC-Summer School 2013 Workshop
Regularly taught at University of Stuttgart
Courses at other occasions
  • Statistical Emotion Analysis, Institute of Linguistics, University of Malta (one week in 2019)
  • Probabilistic Graphical Models for Natural Language Processing, Institute of Linguistics, University of Malta (two weeks each in 2017 and 2018)
  • Sommerakademie “Talent im Land”, with Wiltrud Kessler (evaluation)
Older and/or less frequently tought courses
  • Projektarbeit “Corona-Skeptizismus auf Telegram”, M.A. Digital Humanities (SS2021, with Malte Heckelen, Uni Stuttgart)
  • Biomedical Natural Language Processing (WS 2017/2018, Uni Stuttgart) evaluations
  • Probabilistic Graphical Models for Natural Language Processing (SS2015 - SS2017) evaluations
  • Praxisprojekt Emotion Analysis (SS2016)
  • Projekt Natural Language Processing (WS2014/2015)
  • Lecture: Statistical Natural Language Processing, with John McCrae, Summer Term 2014, Bielefeld University
  • Master’s Project (ISY Project). LPPBA - A large-scale processing pipeline for information extraction from biomedical articles with an application to spinal chord injury treatment”, with Philipp Cimiano, Matthias Hartung, Winter Term 2013/2014 and Sommer Term 2014, Bielefeld University
  • Maximum Entropy Classifiers, Sentiment Analysis, Guest Lectures in Andrew McCallum’s NLP class, Winter term 2013, UMass Amherst
  • Seminar: Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining, Summer Term 2013, Bielefeld University
  • Seminar Knowledge Discovery Technologies, with Martin Hofmann-Apitius and Philipp Senger, Winter Terms 2011/2012 and 2012/2013, B-IT, University of Bonn
  • Life Science Knowledge Discovery, with Martin Hofmann-Apitius and Juliane Fluck, Winter Terms 2007–2012, B-IT, University- of Bonn