Work with me?

Ph.D. Thesis

Are you interested in writing your Ph.D. thesis with me? That’s great! Most Ph.D. thesis in German are conducted as part of a third-party funded project. When I can offer such position, I advertise that in social media (LinkedIn and Twitter), on the corpora mailing list and on the groups website. If you already have some idea for your Ph.D., the question is if and how we can find funding. This depends on various aspects, for instance in which country you are. For people outside of Germany who want to join us in Bamberg, you could check the DAAD. When you are in Germany, there are various possible sources, including the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, die Heinrich-Boell-Stiftung and many others. If we agree on an interesting topic (on the research areas that our group focuses on), I am happy to support you and help you with the application. When you send me an email, please introduce yourself briefly, explain your background, what you studied, where you are from, and what the reason is that you want to work with us. Such that I can see that you read this text, please put [PHDSTUDENT] at the beginning of the subject of your mail.

Postdoctoral Researchers

I am happy to host you as a postdoctoral researcher in our group. My goal for postdocs is to help them and advise them to become independent researchers with a good chance to stay in academia. As described above in the section for Ph.D. students, jobs in projects are advertised in mailing lists and social media. If you already an idea for a postdoc project, I am happy to help to find funding, either through a scholarshop (again: check DAAD. In addition, I am happy to help you write a proposal to a funding agency like DFG. Next to writing a project proposal (which can fund yourself and optionally other people who you could supervise) there are also dedicated programs for postdocs available at DFG. If you know already what you want to do and how to fund your research stay, it might be sufficient to contact me a couple of months before you want to start. If you want to write a grant proposal, contacting me a year before would definitely make sense (or even earlier).

Bachelor and Master’s Thesis

I am happy to work with you on your Bachelor’s or Master’s Thesis. If you are from the University of Bamberg and a student of one of the “computer science” programs or in “computing in the humanities”, that’s pretty straight-forward. I do have a list of open topics published at the group page, but I am also happy to discuss other topics with you. I will likely involve Ph.D. students or Postdocs from my group in the supervision, but you can also directly contact people from the group if you prefer.

If you are interested in working with me, please contact me early.

External Theses and Internships

If you are from another University and would like to come to Bamberg for your thesis, that might also be possible. However, we do not offer any funding in such cases, you either need to fund yourself or have a scholarship, for instance from DAAD. When you contact me for a supervision as an intern or for a thesis while being enrolled in a different university, please put EXTERNALSTUDENT in the subject of your email. State clearly if you are funded by a scholarship and which one that is. If you do not do that, I might not answer your email.